Let’s Make Our Boys Proud…

Have you voted on MAMA yet??

Sadly, in every category our dear TVXQ is in, they are always lagging behind.

I know we CAN make this turn around…

Let’s make our boys proud! šŸ˜€

Everyday, let’s continue to vote for them and promote them, remind everyone to vote.

Cassiopeia, BigEasts, International Cassies, everyone who loves TVXQ…

Let’s get our boys on top…

We are their pride and so… we must prove it.

Now, I don’t want to hear these phrases: “Why vote? We all know TVXQ is the best…”

“we all know TVXQ is the winner..”

blah blah blah

Yes! We all know.

But does other people know?

Maybe not.

So Yes! We WILL let them know.

We will let them know who the Gods of Kpop are…

We will let them know that Cassiopeia still has it’s glory…

We will let them know…

Cassiopeia, BigEasts, International Cassies, everyone who loves TVXQ…

I’m calling you all,

let’s vote together!

Let’s win together! šŸ˜€

Make Yunho and Changmin proud…

Vote for them here:


and as a congratulatory act, watch this…


Don’t lose hope.





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